
Taylor Rhodes, When In Doubt Air It out, WIDAIO, Schweitzer, Upper South Bowl, B Chute, skier

When In Doubt Air It Out, WIDAIO (wi-day-oh)

An apparel, product based company, with it’s core being a conceptual lifestyle brand. Our name is our mantra, and that mantra is our foundation. The message is simple- In every aspect of life, when it is the most scary to jump, that is exactly when you jump (when in doubt, air it out).

We desire to have WIDAIO be not just a motivational platform for the action sport world, but for it to transcend industry and be an inspiring message for all walks of life.

It is within Human nature that we seek safety. It is a basic, instinctual need, and in our day to day lives we exhibit this by choosing the path that is more comfortable and stable.

It is however also within Human nature to want to push outside of that comfort zone. For some it is to stand atop and drop in to that 50ft booter, for some it is facing that 4th down and going for it by hucking  it long, for others it is wanting to go up to that girl or guy you have wanted to ask out forever and start a conversation, it could also be taking that cool idea you and your friends have been talking about and turning it into a venture…

Whatever the case may be… When it feels the most scary to jump… that is exactly when you jump. Otherwise you end up staying in the same place… And that you cannot do.

When In Doubt Air It Out, WIDAIO (wi-day-oh)

WIDAIO Project Phase List:

  • Phase 1: Apparel and accessory sales: Spread our message and generate exposure through product based sales of unique customizable apparel and accessories.
  • Phase 2: Action Sport event and location Liaison and Calendar: Provide event and facility location information for the action sport world on a local and global level.
  • Phase 3. WIDAIO a life style brand with a message: We desire to have WIDAIO be not just a motivational platform for the action sport world, but for it to transcend industry and be an inspiring message for all walks of life.